War is not Glamorous

I was saddened when I recently read in the San Diego Union Tribune the following headline: US Soldier Kills 16 Afghan Civilians. Isn’t it ironic that a few days ago (March 16th) marked the 44th anniversary of the My Lai massacre? On that infamous day, a group of American soldiers systematically killed 500 innocent, Vietnamese…


The Impossible Mission

The recent incident of an alleged US soldier murdering 16 Afghan civilians and the burning of some of their corpses, including those of children, in addition to instances of Quran burning and Marines urinating on corpses of insurgents solidified my view that the US troops on the ground will not be able to “win over…

Barry Ladendorf

Message from the President

Dear Veterans, Friends and Supporters; Welcome to the new San Diego Veterans for Peace website. We at San Diego Veterans for Peace are excited about the opportunities this website provides to further the cause of PEACE in this world. I want to acknowledge and thank those responsible for making this website possible. First, a big…
